Friday, October 4, 2013

Complaints Of Black Women

I have talked to many black women on the topic of black men and have found many different feelings on the perceptions they have of black men. In general I think black women have high expectations of black men when in reality most are only doing enough to get by. Should black women lower their expectations of black men? Yes, if as a woman you expect the black man to have super powers and be perfect. There is no such thing as perfection from anyone. You are not going to find the perfect man who can do everything nor the perfect woman.

Many women of color see a black man and have quick judgment of a black man based on what he puts out. How he acts is how a black woman perceives him. If he is wearing baggy pants or every other word is a derogatory profanity then a woman will perceive him as a thug. This could turn off some women.

Many women think their opinions don't matter to a black man. Some black women feel that when they voice their opinion on a subject a man may feel threatened or scared to admit that their woman is right and they (meaning the man) is wrong. Men don't want to admit their wrong. They can't even help this characteristic. It's the king of the castle mentality. Women have a voice and an opinion and they want to feel like what they have to say is important and valued. African American women tire of being thought of as dumb, unintelligent women who can't think for themselves and want equal communication.

Women of color are sick with the behaviors of black men and then take on the role of acting like one behaving as a black man does. Many women say they will no longer present themselves as ladylike and treat the men they meet as they have been treated-like a dog. When women start thinking this way they have the "I don't care anymore mentality" and become just as offensive as the man recycling his bad behaviors. It is not attractive for the man or a woman to carry on this way.

Black women's nerves go bad with a man who constantly stays on the subject of sex or the man who is sexually inhibited. Sex between two people should have balance, spontaneity and feeling in order for it to have health benefits for the relationship. Black women want the black man to step up not step down.

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