Friday, September 6, 2013

How To Avoid Dating A Loser And Date A Winner Instead

Are you frustrated by the continuous disappointing losers, missed connections, and the loneliness of the search for a real man?

I keep hearing single women complain about no more good men are available. And unfortunately, they are so wrong. That is so far from the truth. The problem isn't a lack of great men not being available to love you. In fact, great men are every where, looking for great women. But you need to know how to find him and show him that the two of you can be a great match.

I want you to know that not only is this kind of love possible for you, but calling it into your life right now doesn't have to be the struggle it may have been in the past. Can you imagine how different your life will look and feel when you can live it with your true life partner by your side?

If you have any emotional issues and lingering memories of hurt and fear from a past relationship,it's not uncommon that you will continue to date losers and keep hurting yourself again and again. If you don't feel safe taking the risks of loving or being loved, you'll choose unavailable partners to protect yourself.

It does take time. You're going to have to practice and experiment with what really works by tuning into yourself. But once you understand this, and make the change through getting in touch with your feelings, you will enter a new and better phase in life. You will become smart and careful about being in the right relationship and not getting hurt again like you had before.

The truth is, there is a match made for every man to meet their one and only woman. If you don't know that, you need to spend more time with yourself and question your true potential. You need to persist and not give up.

And the best way to avoid the fear and all the uncertainty in a relationship with a man is to be the kind of woman who a man is able to easily open up to and communicate true thoughts and feelings with.

Men are like women when it comes to being scared and nervous about getting ready to date. They want to know whether you like them or not. They also have doubts whether they are good enough. There are good men who are not totally confident, and if you can see that, you are picking a diamond out from the rough.

Great men are not typical or as rugged as you may think. Some great men are business executives, surgeons, and architects. Some are wealthy investors, or military officers. And while they don't display a lot of muscle, they have great futures, with solid careers. These men are the winners you want to pursue. They are the leaders of tomorrow.

So this why you shouldn't go for the typical average man.

You need to date more men, and see the world. Try a fling with someone of a different culture and that will definitely change your mind about men and masculinity.
Great men are not rare, but they are all different.

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