Saturday, September 21, 2013

Feminized Men - Not So Good For US Societies

It's hard to say exactly when it happened, but I can tell you it happened in my lifetime - we have been dishonoring our gene pool in a horrible way, by attacking the alpha male and masculinity. You might disagree, and really I hope you do, because this article was written to make you think. Let's talk.

First, this species exists due to strength, not due to weakness. Yes, today modern society is less violent than in past periods, but we also have a foundation of civilization around the globe that has taken that into consideration. You see, even though evolutionarily speaking mankind's wants, needs and desires haven't changed that much or societies and civilizations appear to have, still, we cannot deny what we are, nor should hold a moral judgment against what it is to be a man, and aggressive, strong-willed, and muscled animal representing 1/2 of this species.

Okay so, FORA TV had an excellent interview video posted on August 21, 2013 titled; "John Gray: We're Losing Alpha Males to Feminized Men," which was totally worth watching. John Gray speaks out against the de-masculating of men, and why we are doing the wrong thing with political correctness, as we try to tame this savage beast. He tells us that what we really need to do is to foster the testosterone component of this animal and seek and breed for the alpha male, not the prissy panzy-ass version (that was my terminology not his). I guess by this statement you can see that I speak in defense of the alpha male.

Pretending to be something we are not is not serving our society, in fact, it is making all of use weak. The sure footed, confident, and tough male with strength of character is truly what we need. Our society functions better with doers, not blind-sheep followers afraid of their own shadow or to speak out against what is not right. Some might believe that the angry aggressive alpha male is a problem for modern society, but it's not true, and that problematic thinking comes from the very males who cannot compete, as they are not developing or using those chemicals in their brain which make men smarter, more active, and resolute in their drive to achieve.

The alpha male got us here - we are now the dominant mammalian species of this planet, we rule over all because of the alpha male, not the wimps who feel threatened by us because quite frankly, they can't perform. I say little dogs should stay on the porch, and stop yapping at the alpha male big dogs. Please consider all this and think on it - no wimps allowed.

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