There's a lot of confusing information out there on the symptoms involved with PCOS. Let's simplify it a bit so it's easier for you to understand and get the proper treatment...
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) affects as many as 5% to 10% of women during reproductive age. For any menstruating woman, it is important to understand PCOS symptoms in order to get a timely diagnosis and treatment if she has the disorder. However, it should be noted that there is a range of symptoms that can manifest this syndrome and not all affected women experience all the symptoms.
As many as 20% of affected women do not show any visible PCOS symptoms. And some of the symptoms develop only gradually. A woman with PCOS can show any (or none in some cases) of these common signs and symptoms listed below:
Menstrual irregularities:
Most women with PCOS experience menstrual irregularities. They might have inadequate or non-existent periods. Some also have irregular periods. However, around 30% of women with PCOS still get regular periods.
Vaginal bleeding:
Around 30% of women with PCOS get heavy and irregular vaginal bleeding.
Due to high levels of androgen (male hormone) many PCOS patients suffer from obesity or weight gain. They experience a problem in losing weight.
This is a common PCOS symptom present in almost 75% of the patients. Women with PCOS experience problems with conceiving or they have repeated miscarriages. Also, when they do get pregnant PCOS patients are at higher risk of developing gestational complications.
Sleep apnea:
Due to factors such as obesity and the insulin resistance associated with PCOS, the patient might develop breathing problems while sleeping (obstructive sleep apnea), one of the most common PCOS symptoms.
Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance:
The increased level of male hormones (androgen) gives rise to the increased production of insulin in PCOS patients. Many patients can have insulin resistance.
Due to the increased levels of androgens (male hormones), women with PCOS might experience male-like hair growth. They might grow hair on the face, chest, around nipples, above the upper lip, etc. Some women also experience alopecia (patchy baldness), again in male patterns.
High levels of testosterone can give rise to skin problems like acne, oily skin and dark patches.
Psychological signs:
Some women with PCOS might experience depression or mood swings. They might also suffer from lack of self-esteem due to associated factors like menstrual irregularities, obesity and hirsutism.
A woman is confirmed to be suffering from PCOS if she has at least two of the conditions given below.
Imbalance in the hormones secreted by the ovaries; particularly the high level of androgens.
At least 12 cysts developed in the ovaries (poly cysts).
Irregular, inadequate or absent menstrual periods.
A woman who shows any of these symptoms will require medical evaluations to establish or rule out the condition. Some of the common medical and lab tests prescribed to diagnose PCOS are:
Blood tests to measure the level of hormones and to be certain that there are no other anomalies causing PCOS-like symptoms.
Physical exam to check height, weight, blood pressure, etc. The patient must share information about male pattern hair loss from the scalp or hair growth on the body with the doctor.
A pelvic ultrasound is needed to check if the ovaries appear to be polycystic (hence the name). Many women with PCOS, however, do not show this sign. And having polycystic ovaries does not confirm PCOS.
The doctor might also physically examine the pelvis and the genitals to look for any abnormalities.
Even the most simple of treatments can start only after PCOS is diagnosed and established by at least these tests. Consult your physician; discuss your entire medical condition and lifestyle with them.
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