Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nothing to Wear? Here's How to Get Your Style Mojo Back!

Well the kids are back in school... or almost. And, despite the summer temperatures, there is no doubt that you will be carving pumpkins before you know it!

No doubt all that back-to-school shopping for the kiddos has you wanting a few things for yourself. But before you start spending your hard-earned money on new clothes, I want share a simple trick that will shake up your look, revitalize your wardrobe... and make the most of what you already have.

That's not to say some new pieces aren't in order, but, before spending an afternoon shopping, buying even more things you won't wear, first try my super savvy tip...

A few things to prepare:

First of all get ready to have some fun, and forget the idea that if you haven't worn it in a year throw it away. I don't generally agree with that guideline, and have regretted it many-a-time.

Second of all, pull out all the extra jeans, scarves, accessories, belts that you have stuffed in drawers and the back of your closet, now is time to use it or lose it!

And thirdly, you're gonna immediately get excited about the boost in your style, but the complete overhaul may take more than one session. The important thing is getting started.

So let's get going...

Do you remember Garanimals? They're an easy to pair kid's line of mix and match separates launched in the 70s that made putting together children's outfits a snap.

Using the idea of ready-made outfits, my style solution is to create complete outfits for yourself in advance, much like professional stylists do for their clients.

So let's get shopping in your closet! Begin my going through your hanging clothes (try simply left to right if you're not sure where to start) and start putting together outfits, placing them on a shared hanger - important! Keep the outfit pieces together.

You know that gorgeous blouse you love with the tag still on it... ? Combine it with a pair of slim slacks. Fold the slacks over the hanger and add the blouse. Find a belt that works with it and hook it on the hanger, too. Don't have a belt that works, how about a colorful scarf you can wear through the pant loops or wrap around your waist or tie loosely around your neck. One outfit down.

Now where is that cute (too short) sundress... ? Layer it over some tights and add a cute jean jacket over it. And those ballet flats you got on sale, but never wear... now is the time! If you don't wear them because they don't seem to fit right, wear a band-aid to protect your feet when you wear the outfit. If they still hurt your feet after you wear this outfit once, donate the shoes right away.

That maxi skirt that you have, but aren't sure how to wear... ? Pull a fitted tee out of your drawer and add it to the hanger. It will complement it perfectly. Add a large wrap around your shoulders to keep yourself cozy if you're likely to chill. And in the cooler months, you can layer a long-sleeved fitted tee under your cute short-sleeved tee and have virtually the same look. And DO NOT wear high heels with maxi skirts. Period. Flat sandals, flip-flops, boots... yes, yes, yes! Just NO high-heels.

So there's your start... now keep it going, and dig deep and don't stop this process until you've paired together ALL your clothes.

And what about the pieces that don't work with anything? These are the pieces you want to consider letting go of; give to a friend, donate them, or if you have the room, set them aside for a month or two and see if you miss them.

My garanimals principle will instantly change the way you feel when you get dressed... not only will you smile and think of me; you never, ever have to feel like you don't have something to wear.

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