I have heard about this company called Drink Savvy located in Boston who has created special cups and straws to detect date rape drugs. I think this is a great idea and maybe it will help prevent some innocent woman from being victimized. This topic hits close to home since I possibly was the victim of date rape from a guy I used to see. On two occasions he told me we had sex but I wasn't aware of it nor did I remember it, see it, feel it or hear it. Although he never said what really happened, chances are he slipped something in my cup because the last thing I remember was him being on top of me in the bed. The following day I awoke in pain from what felt like a brutal sexual experience. The same incident happened a few nights later. I never knew what happened to me those two nights but I believe I was date raped.
Having these cups available for women is necessary because these drugs are circulating on the streets and easily obtained. The cup is able to detect three different date rape chemicals. The cup made of plastic will change color if GHB, Ketamine or rohypnol which are popular date rape drugs come in contact with the cup. These drugs are popular because of their sedative effects on a person.
GHB is a general anesthetic used to treat insomnia, narcolepsy, and other disorders and is a central nervous system depressant used as a downer or reduces excitability. On the streets it's known as liquid ecstasy, juice, lollipops, Georgia home boy and many other names. It causes euphoria and enhanced sensuality and at high levels can cause unconsciousness or death. Ketamine is a general anesthesia used in human and veterinary medicine and can cause high blood pressure and hallucinations. It is also used to treat people with depression or bipolar disorder. Rohypnol or better known as roofies is known to induce amnesia in patients and is often used in date rape situations since the victim will have no recollection of the sexual assault.
The creator of the cups and straws in fact was a victim of being drugged and wanted to prevent this from happening to someone else. If there are no drugs present in the cup it will remain clear but if drugs are present in your drink red strips will appear around the cup. The straw works the same way. The cups will be available to the public early to mid 2014.
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