Existing laws do not provide codes for lactation design. Milk expression is an activity done by a lactating mother when she is separated from her nursing infant. In a workplace with only a few lactating employees, a private office are suitable spaces for milk expression breaks. The employer should provide basic private room accommodations that include a chair, table, electrical outlet and occupancy door lock.
In facilities with many lactating employees, the milk expression activity space should include three separate zones:
1. The express zone is for hand expression of breast milk.
2. The barrier zone is basically a splashguard or one metre separation between the express and wash zones to minimize the risk of cross-contamination and spread of disease between the two areas and multiple users.
3. The wash zone is for washing hands.
There are currently two different furniture solutions that satisfy the three zone requirement in workplaces with a high number of lactating employees.
1. The integrated solution includes a splashguard barrier to prevent the spread of disease with attached countertop, sink and chair.
2. The casework solution uses a one metre barrier separation between the express and wash zones to prevent the spread of disease.
What is Mother-Friendly Care?
To qualify for CIMS (The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services) designation, a birth center, hospital, must fulfill these Ten Steps of Mother-Friendly Care:
1. Offers all birthing mothers unrestricted access to: birth companions of her choice, continuous emotional and physical support, and professional midwifery care.
2. Provides to the public accurate descriptive and statistical information about its birth care practices and procedures.
3. Provides culturally competent care-that is, care that is sensitive and responsive to the specific beliefs, values, and customs of the mother's ethnicity and religion.
4. Provides the birthing woman freedom of movement and discourages the lithotomy birth position.
5. Has clearly defined policies regarding: continuity of care, follow-up well-baby care, and breastfeeding support.
6. Does not routinely employ procedures unsupported by scientific evidence, including but not limited to: shaving, enemas, IV, withholding nourishment, early rupture of membranes, and electronic fetal monitoring. Other interventions are limited as follows: oxytocin induction rate of 10% or less, episiotomy rate of less than 20%, with a goal of 5%, cesarean rate of less than 10% and VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) rate of 60% or more, with a goal of 75% or more.
7. Educates staff in non-drug pain relief and does not promote the use of analgesic drugs.
8. Encourages touching, holding, and breastfeeding of all babies.
9. Discourages non-religious circumcision of the newborn.
10. Strives to achieve the WHO "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative" to encourage breastfeeding.
The Tens Steps of Mother Friendly Care are a guide to safer childbirth.
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